Take these chains

I need more anchor chain. I do have loads of chain, I just need to join it up. Another job to do. At least I got the coolant hoses ordered up. I’d phoned loads of places then gave up. Robin gave the bigger view as a person whose working life started in the early fifties. You’d easily have got them years ago: so many warehouses and engineering works of every description were all around Granton. And now, a thin veneer of the poorest retail. That’s all.
So, anyway, I set to with my brush in hand and rubbing strake in my sights, and the hours passed most happily until it was time to cycle home along the pavement.
Across the road a new cycle path is under construction, y'see. It’s like a bloody motorway. A little meandering strip of tarmac would have done me fine, but I’m not in a hurry to get anywhere anytime.

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