Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


Today the weather was very poor here in New England and so I had a limited chance to blip. For today's post, I chose between an outside shot of a building and this. I thought that this was more interesting and out of the norm and so here it is!

This picture came from a visit to a club that had curling. Little did I know that they had a match going on and so I saw a real competition. Having only seen this in the Olympics, it was very interesting to watch in person.

What we see here are two people brushing the ice in front of the rock trying to make it go further. Their goal is to get it close to the bulls-eye at the bottom of the frame.

From a photography standpoint, I was disappointed. The building had very poor lighting and lots of action, the perfect environment for a dSLR, but alas, I only had my little G10 P&S. The (relatively) little guy performed admirably, but I could have done better with the 40D and a fast lens.

I like the blur of the brushes because it shows the movement of the two people. I also like the complete focus of each athlete(?) on the task at hand.

No Photoshopping here, just basic saturation, contrast and white balance.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

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