More Rothiemurchus

Thank you for all the appreciation shown to yesterday, v pleased you liked it as much as I did.

Finally a good night's sleep, what a difference.
Woke to a bullet hard frost, talk of minus 7°C overnight, but that sky... I knew I had to get out before the train journey home.
Over breakfast there were rueful looks from those leaving straight away, and wry smiles from those with a few more days. Stuck betwixt I looked at a map and made my own plan.
A glorious fast 10km wander through the woods and then back along the A'llt Druidh, one grinning runner seen, soul well fed.

In extras a relatively rare (for the UK) but deadly beauty of a fungi, Gyromitra esculenta. Worryingly esculenta loosely translates "as good to eat" - they're not, even if they do look slightly like a morel. I was very pleased to see it growing from sandy ground under pines trees. A classic id (its also wider than it is tall which is another good telltale)

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