
It’s a privilege looking after these three and being shaped by them (and hopefully I’m shaping them a little too). So I was determined not to feel the lack of my own dear mum too keenly today and focus on these munchkins. But honestly, that’s easier said than done. Mum gave me a whole lot of love and cheerleading and I feel greedy wanting more of it because I really think I had a lifetime’s worth in 31 years. But I want more all the same.

But it’s undeniably wonderful being looked after by this rabble. They are the greatest possible antidote to melancholy. I had flowers and gifts, pastries, an assault of cuddles, afternoon tea, roast beef.... indigestion , so much love! All masterfully curated by the ever wonderful Antony.


1. Eve, Zeke and Isaac;
2. Father of the Bride - still my all time favourite film!
3. Mum - happy memories of her and catching glimpses of her in the next generation.

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