"Do I Have B.O.?"

"Do I have B.O?
How would I know?
Cuz it's not my intent...
to put forth a scent."

"I'm not a dumbell,
but do I have a smell?
Cuz it's not my intent...
to put forth a scent."

"I don't know what to think,
do I really have a stink?
Cuz It's not my intent...
to put forth a scent."

"I know that I'm a waterfowl,
but am I really foul?
Cuz it's not my intent...
to put forth a scent."

I rattled off my poetry thoughts to Sarah the snowy egret. Did she like them? You'll have to go to my Extra, and chose what reaction you think she gave me.

P.S. I realize that Sarah is preening...but why let the facts get in the way of a good story? ;0)

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