The Piper of Sand

I don't know my smaller shorebirds very well, but I think this is a sandpiper. Even if it's not, I don't like the word cutie-patootie very much...but he/she is a cutie-patootie. As Lisa says..."They are just darling."

After going to the movies today with my brother and his wife (we saw the Oscar winner Green Book...very good), I then dragged Lisa out to the ocean with me. It is a beach where you almost always see gulls, terns, skimmers, and sandpipers, and today was no different.

In the Extras are two pictures.
1. A picture of a young lady chasing the birds...wait a minute...THAT'S NO YOUNG LADY...THAT"S LISA! (I made her do it.)
2. A picture where they took to the sea all on their own.

I do love the sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean.

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