
By mamasuzi


This is the angel on the top of our Christmas tree, as made by Hannah, assisted by me. It was reportedly quick and easy. Ha. Trying to get a 26" long piece of paper evenly folded into 3/4" concertina pleats by a seven year old was anything but. And of course she wouldn't go to bed until it was on the tree. It's halo has already slipped. I'll have to get it down on the quiet and do a proper job with the glue. Meanwhile her clever sister had made an origami reindeer for the teacher. Is there no limit to their talent?

Only one bauble broken during tree dressing tonight. Don't know if that is because they are getting older and more careful, or because I don't have any nice ones left to break. Once upon a time I had a colour coordinated sophisticatedly understated tree. Now I have a drunken looking angel with lights up her skirt. Sigh.

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