My April Fool

.... warming up for woodwind day at the music festival. Her and B did a gorgeous performance of Gershwin’s Promenade. She was a bit short changed in the results, but still came second.

We got back a little earlier than planned so she managed to have lunch at home and a bit of telly before we had to go to school for parent’s “evening”. Her teacher likes the kids there and Katie couldn’t make any of the scheduled appointments, so he gave us one of our own. It worked well though as it really gave us time to properly catch up - he was keen for an update about her music, her dance and plans for the future. He was extremely encouraging about keeping going with putting priority to the commitments that she needs for music and dance. He was very supportive about how we are managing to balance everything and is proud of how hard katie is working outside of school. And to top it off, she’s doing really well with all her school work, apart from the speed of her times tables!

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