
I was meant to be photographing the refugee day in the village but just before I was leaving I had a message from my cousin in Canada - her father had died. He was 92 and had been in a home for the last 5 years with dementia, before that he was an alcoholic and he was not an easy man to be around, particularly as a husband, father and grandfather. He was obnoxious when out and on a holiday with my parents my dad actually had words with him, saying that unless they cut out their arguing they would not eat with them for the rest of the holiday as it was distressing my mum. My mothers parents argued every day, several times a day,  which is why she rarely argued at home, she knew how emotionally damaging it was.  No-one would argue with her at work! 
Anyhow - he was still a husband, father and grandfather and I knew they would still mourn his passing. I spoke to my cousin and apparently he hung on for 5 days so it was a relief for him and everyone when he finally passed.  Hearing about his last days brought back the last days of my mum, dad and Friend and made me very sad and upset ... I didn't go down to the village. Instead Oscar and I had a long walk through the woods. Seems apt to blip the prayer flags.

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