One of the most important jobs as a Dad

Repetition is what makes the world go round. So today was send the list to Santa time. #2 was worried that time was running out for the big man in red to get his act together with lists and the like.

In years past I have wowed the crowds with the list for Santa shooting up the chimney. This evening, curiosity was wondering why said list had not flown up the chimney completely and was kind of stuck half way up. Maybe because they were in their pjs and didn't dash out to see it going out the chimney. Who knows.

Anyway, an exceptionally busy week awaits. On my Christmas list is the following

more spare time
warmth, i.e. a nice hot bath
probably some chocolate
some fun time with my children
that is about it actually

Given the rollercoaster day, I think I will need it

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