Diamond Wedding Anniversary

We had an early flight to Gatwick From Glasgow Airport.The hotel where we were staying provided us with an early breakfast before the taxi picked us up at 6am.A good run to the airport and we were soon in the air. We went to pick up the car we had ordered but were told they had given it away and there were no cars at the moment, we could up grade and pay more money which we did not want to do or have a Mini which would have been to small so we wanted for about an hour until one was returned.
We arrived at Mike’s Mum and Dads just before one and Mikes brother and sister-in- law arrived a few minutes after us and then some more of the family. We were all there to celebrate their Diamond Wedding Anniversary , 60 years is a long time and we had a great time chatting about what their Wedding day was like.
We did not think we would be able to go as Mike’s Mum has not been very well. Her shoulder is giving her a lot of pain , she’s unable to take anything apart from paracetamol and that is not touching the pain. So in a couple of weeks time she’s going in for an operation in the Private hospital in Bushey so really hoping it works and she starts to feel much better. I think she enjoyed seeing us all though and it took her mind of things too. Mike’s Dad is working hard looking after her and the house, something he’s not used to as she has doing it all for the last 60 years ;)
It was time to say goodbye and we headed down to Kent, a good journey and we were soon in our hotel.A meal in the Brewers Fayre next door and then bed !

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