
I sent yesterday moving furniture in my conservatory. This was prompted by looking at a house that came up for sale just up the road from me. The Exile had the idea of us buying it and converting it back to two houses - but having looked at the floor plans and the fact that the sidw she wanted also had the larger garden it was not for me! It did make me value the features of my  house and what I would need in another house. I wondered how much we chose a house that has the features we want, and how much a  house dictates a certain living style due to it's layout, rooms, light. The house up the road had no conservatory, and this is one of the things I loved when I viewed my current house. I now have a new conservatory but plants had taken over and my sitting space was a whicker chair which did not allow falling asleep in! So I moved an armchair from my front room and in the process had 3 rooms in uproar! Plus my utility cupboard and bathroom! The Exile had to help me move my Jade plant as it was just too heavy to move single handed! This took me all day! No photos taken!
So today was a bit of a restful day - a walk on Kit Hill where I  was amazed to see snow on the moors! Not so pleased to be hailed upon and oh my it felt cold! A whizz round Waitrose and the fish shop for locusts and fish food. Home to fall asleep in my conservatory chair then a very late lunch before Nellie of The woods came round for coffee and a walk! I still can't get in the utility room with the stuff that I shoved in there!

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