
By LifeinAlohaland

The plumeria in bloom

We call them frangipani in Australia, but here in Alohaland they are plumeria flowers. The tree in our garden is just now filling with leaves, but along the road to my yoga class this evening this tree was already in bloom. Beautiful fragrant flowers!

Today we moved into the other bedroom. The bed in ours was not doing our backs any good, so we're trying out the other room. Shopping and cleaning took up quite a good part of the day as well.

The highlight of my day was a very intensive yoga class. I went to the advanced class and there were only two of us there, so it was a real learning experience. Loved it!

The days seem to slip by without our even realizing it. One minute it's morning and then it's evening, in a flash. Where does time go? Do we fill it? Or does it escape from under us? 

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