
By misswinterfinch

Another Doctor Visit

A third in a blip series of doctor offices, this time it is for Gracie T-t's check-up, rabies shot, and an antibiotic shot for her chronically running nose.
She had such a good time. She surprises me by enjoying the inside of her travel carrier. At home, during the week she has jumped in and out of it like it is one of her boxes.
Otherwise, she was calm and purring for the exam. It seems to me the Vet did not stick the thermometer up her rear, maybe that's why she was calm. She's a new Vet and very nice although she only gave Gracie a one-year rabies vaccine. It cost's $20. Same price as the three-year vaccine.
Total cost of $101.00 today. That's it for her allowance.

No sooner did we get home than it started snowing big globs of flakes!
This is getting tiresome.

I sent for some special flower seeds yesterday in hopes summer will come. I did not send for my very favourite winter squash seeds because I do not believe our growing season will be long enough, even if I start them indoors.

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