Proud Weegie

By Shiv

It's a baby !

A day off today to go see No 3's nativity. It was wonderful - full of funny unscripted bits. I don't often take the Video camera out as I prefer my SLR, but thought I better catch her for posterity !

Normally the 3rd child doesn't get any pictures taken, but No 3 has bucked the trend! Thanks to blip and her equity card - she's more photographed than her sisters !

Managed a few hours to sort out the last of the presents, post cards and calendars, and I'm now sitting down with a cup of tea and a wee mince pie to watch David Lean's version of 'Oliver' (1948). It's wonderful ! All dark and menacing - just they way Dicken's liked it!

Many years ago we took the big two girls to the Citizen's Theatre to see 'A Christmas Carol' - they were terrified !!!

Here's No 3 and the cast of "It's a baby" - only managed to whip out the SLR at the end and never thought to bring a bigger lens.

You need to be queueing early to get the front seats at school productions !

No 3 is near the back left post of the stable, dressed in white and gold star - and talking to her pal ! Typical !

Bon Voyage to Mr and Mrs Tickles - have a great holiday and we'll see you next year !xxx

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