Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Happy birthday to me!

A Landmark day. Which eerily always seems to happen on 19th.

19th Dec, was born!
19th Nov, Passed my driving test
19th Jan, bought my first house
19th Nov, first date with Mr S (the zoo!)
19th Nov, first day (22 years ago) with my current employer

19th Dec 2012, my first endowment matures (for my wee house in Motherwell which someone else lives in), my birthday, and my request for Voluntary Redundancy was provisionally accepted.

Mixed emotions. Sad to be (shortly) leaving some great characters, happy to be paid a wad of cash, happy to never have to be nice to that 'certain person' who provides 'career guidance, salary increases, inspiration and motivation'...ooops...sorry I nearly swallowed my own sick there!

That's better.

Anyway, No 2 made these lovely little truffles for her friends yesterday, and there's enough left for a make-do birthday cake.

Any resemblance to a pile of 'poo' and the last 5 years of my career was purely intentional.

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