Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Confused Cactus

I have 4 Christmas Cacti and they are all blooming right now.  I'm not complaining!  Two have recently been transplanted and I think they have bloomed to show their thanks for all the room they have in their new pots.  This one is my favorite because of its amazing color.  It is still in a tiny pot because it hasn't stopped blooming since I bought it at Christmas time and I've been waiting for it to be dormant to transplant it.  Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Fridays!

I am grateful that Pipersdad seems to be improving today.  He still has all the symptoms but he doesn't feel as bad as yesterday.  Unfortunately, I have a little sore throat and sinus pressure today.  It's not too bad, though, so I'm hoping that all the Vitamin C and Zinc will help me fight it off!!

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