Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

Busy day today starting with a lovely 27 mile bike ride on back roads.  I probably saw about 50 other cyclists out on this beautiful day that reached 75F.  About 25% were wearing masks.  I'm happy to say that my homemade mask worked perfectly and didn't hamper breathing or make my face too hot.  I should have taken a selfie.  I will next time.

Because my ride took longer than I anticipated (since I never know where I'm going to end up) I only had an hour to shower and get ready for my Zoom session.  There were 7 of us and we played word and trivia games.  Great fun, lots of laughter. :-)

We didn't have dinner until 7:30 because of the long Zoom session and I was starving by then.  I'm always hungry when I get back from a ride but I didn't want to spoil my dinner so I waited.  So now it's almost 9:30 and I'm just getting my blip posted.

I never came back to look at journals last night or respond to comments so I'm way behind on both and today will be another day behind.  Thanks to everyone who visited, commented or left stars and hearts in past few days.  Tomorrow I will catch up with everyone!

I am grateful to be reunited with family and friends from across the country through Zoom!  I hope we keep it up after the lockdown is over!

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