Grandma @ the garden centre

Earlier this morning me and mum travelled down south because I have a racerunning competition in Kingston on Saturday and a Paralympic development day on Sunday. I had a very traumatic start to the day as I accidentally set my alarm clock to wake me up EXTRA LOUD. Not ideal.
The journey, from our house, takes about 3 hours. Well it should have, but we stopped off at the service station for a coffee and a cake. That added an hour onto our journey.
We stopped off at Grandma and Grandads first. We had a lovely drink and a chat with them. And it was just nice to see them again! Grandma and mum went to a garden centre because they both love flowers!
Next stop for us, was our good friends Pete and Sarah. They live about 25 minutes away so it's ideal. Also it was really nice to see them again. We had a nice catch-up. We stayed the night there because the competition is nearer to their house.
I'll be sure to keep you guys updated on what goes on!

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