
This is my new beanie hat knitted to the pattern provided for the Shetland Wool Week in October. It isn’t a traditional Fairisle design which made it harder having to weave the carrying wool across the back of the work when there are a larger than normal number of stitches of one colour.

I wore it this morning and found it a little on the large size so that not only did it cover my head, it took in my eyebrows as well and was almost in danger of falling over my eyes. The next time I wash it, I will stretch it over a smaller bowl.

Robynn and I splashed the cash on a breakfast in the Ivy this morning and boy was it worth it! Apparently her porridge was to die for and my granola with fruit was equally delicious. There was toast and marmalade to follow- a breakfast that negated the need for lunch.

I feel guilty admitting to drinking gin at 5 pm, but that is what happened when Robynn brought a friend back to meet me this afternoon, and very nice it was too. My Mothering Sunday gift of Raspberry gin has been put to good use these last few days, especially today when the weather has been worse than foul when no self respecting person would be seen dead outside.

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