That way!

I woke up to a nice clean kitchen floor this morning. Thankyou Bella.

It was Mr Ws first night away. Whilst it's nice to have a bit of time to myself - it also kind of throws me into lazy mode. I didn't really know what to do or where to go and almost ended up not going anywhere. I started cleaning out the hall cupboard and found some carpet cleaner that in my wisdom sprinkled all over the house assuming I'd have the energy to hover it up later!!!

Mr W then called me and when I told him I didn't think I was going to go out today, he told me he thought I should.... so I did!!

And I'm glad I did.

I found a lovely new walk across fields and over streams and along farm tracks and through fields of corn and rape. The final part of the journey was along the pavement where Bella got some lead practice. She was brilliant and walked beautifully to heal. I really enjoyed the hour out in the fresh air... just me and my puppy.

Once I got home I made up a huge batch of vege spag bol where the Gummy Bear stole a mushroom that fell in the floor. I thought she might have eaten it but found it shredded all over the freshly cleaned sitting room carpet.

We are now settling down to a quiet evening in and our second night alone. Luckily I have plans for tomorrow and will look forward to seeing Mr. W again on Monday evening.

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