Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


Today is recycling collection day in these parts. Now, I'm not especially green but I don't understand some people's reluctance to recycle things. Some houses I walked past this morning either had no boxes out for collection, or just a couple of things in it. Considering it only gets collected twice a month, I don't believe they only have 2 plastic/glass/tin items which go in one box. We struggle to fit ours in the box they provide and the bag for the paper/cardboard is just tiny meaning we go to the recycling centre fairly often too!

Anyway, what's the problem with putting it in a box instead of directly into the bin? Since we started recycling & composting, we hardly have anything in our main bin which is collected weekly, I wish they'd swap and collect the main bins bi-weekly and recycling weekly....THEN I bet people would do it or their main bin would be overflowing.

Rant over :)

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