Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


Oh Gawd, what a day :( This morning hubby had to be in work early for some training, so kids up early, and grumpy before we even made it out! Took Kory to nursery at 9am, and made it to Krystal's new Rising 2's group for 9:30am. I had planned to nip for some shopping while she was in, but she screamed and screamed when I left her, so I stayed in the building. Thankfully.

I could hear Krystal crying, but they didn't come to get me as she kept calming down. I was sat with a cuppa when someone came in and asked whose car the silver one was. Uh-oh, that'll be mine then. I thought she'd hit it or something! But no, she asked if I knew it had a flat flat tyre. I looked out the window to see the car totally leaning over at the back passenger side. This was 10:50am. Krystal gets out at 11am and Kory at 11:20pm.

I went out and looked, there was no way the car was driveable. I didn't have a buggy in the boot and it was too far for Krystal to walk. Cue me panicking! I went back in and started flapping about (as you do!) and someone suggested calling the wee garage just down the road. So I called, played the dizzy blonde damsel in distress and they came within 5 mins and changed it for me :o) We do actually use this garage so they did know me and thought it was funny. And I made it back for Kory with a still hysterical Krystal in tow!

How glad am I that I didn't head for shopping, god knows what could have happened or where I might have had to pull over and attempt a tyre change myself!!

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