twinned with trumpton


An office day; armed with a pile of recently purchased Bibio and some recently reripped Geogaddi / BOC I plugged in and filtered out the white noise of the office and largely ignored the office millieu.

After raiding Mainline (graffiti paint shop) for RTC paint - 3 tins for a tenner - Pan, Gobi and Denim Light) I met Magi for long overdue meet up; the weather dicated that we (and countless others) wander around the museum at Chambers St, taking in Egyptian and Oriental exhibits on the 5th floor; a most enjoyable wander.

Then back to work; a late finish in an attempt to try and get my time in some sort of order before the end of the week. Then to hers for dinner and a cold ride home. only 2 seconds off a KOM - still in 3rd place which is frustrating; I eased when someone came up the hill cos it looked like they were going to turn in front of me - aaargh!

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