
By tookie

My actual 70th

A backblip to coincide with yesterdays rockin out blip here.  This was on my actual birthday and celebrated with my youngest brother and SIL's family back in Cleveland Ohio....The two kiddies here are two grandnewphew's that drew very sweet pictures and each one had a balloon for me.  
   We had just returned from a whirlwind trip over to Pennsylvania for grandson Z to meet R's mom....his great grandmother.  We picked up my son and Z in Cleveland and after a two days there with them I drove them over to Pa.   There we also had a little birthday party too and my Sil there made a delicious ice cream cake..a heath bar cake.  No pictures from there I guess .my son and grandson had to fly back in the wee hours of my birthday so they missed this gathering unfortunately.
This cake here was from the infamous Davis bakery because the very infamous Hough cakes are temporaritly unavailable.  More on them later.  
      My Sil and younger brother put this sweet gathering together.  Along with the delicious cake we had several delisiouc ice creams from yummy Mitchell Ice Cream .  My brother had 70's folk tunes etc playing in the background and balloons...he gave a little talk that was videod and then he and I did a silly song/dance rendition we did as kids.  All fun and moving memories for me.  I'm so appreciative of all my family in Ohio and Pa..  My heart was made happy >

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