
By caitjob

Sparkly lights

We decided the best thing to do was just spend a whole day sorting everything out rather than doing admin-y things between sightseeing so that we didn't lose so much time.

Trip to the police station, was told it was the wrong type of police station, directed to another one at one end of les Halles shopping centre, turned out we wanted the one at the other end. Finally got where we wanted to be and I managed to talk to the policeman and explain what had happened so we could report the theft and get reference numbers for insurance/emergency passports/eurostar ticket. (It was very good for my French and learned a few new words, even understood when he chatted away about the computer system they use to report thefts). Wasn't that good at being an interpreter though, but Martin signed what I'd told the police anyway, I could've said anything...

Quick crepe before heading off to the British Embassy, or so we thought (more on that in a second). The route was actually quite good as it meant I could show Martin a few sights on the way as well as the Christmas market on the Champs Elysée complete with lights. When we got to the Embassy turned out we needed the Consulate which was luckily just down the road, though took a bit of getting lost to find. They were slightly unhelpful and said come back tomorrow morning at 9:30 and we'll sort you out. I think they wanted to go home.

Directed a little boy and his dad wrongly on the way home and ended up chasing him down the Champs Elysée to correct my mistake. Probably looked a little crazy but thought we needed some good karma.

Popped into H&M to get some clothes for Martin to wear and then to get some passport photos for his trip to the Consulate. Very French dinner at home- ratatouille, pommes rissolées and chicken. The first meat I've bought not in a restaurant since being here.

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