Standing on a bridge in the dark in Paris
Apparently that's what you should do in Paris.
Early morning trip to the Consulate, one horrifically expensive emergency passport, we set off to the eurostar to get a reprint of Martin's ticket. That was surprisingly easy and free.
Back home to have a very French lunch of a baguette, brie, salami and ham. There was some fruit in there somewhere too I think. Then off to see the Hobbit. So very good. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though Mairead and I suddenly realised just before that the elvish and orc-ish? would be translated into French not English which meant I occasionally had to lean over to Martin and do a quick translation. Only missed one sentence, it was mainly just kill him/don't kill him/bring me his head anyway. Not too tricky, just your standard translation.
Martin and I then headed into Paris to the vintage shop to get him a cheap, cool jumper. Pizza place in Bastille for dinner which was really nice. Got to chat lots and generally be more relaxed as there was nothing more we could do about his lack of stuff. Walk down by the Seine, taking lots of photos of the view from the bridge, including the Eiffel Tower sparkling. Quick wander round the Latin Quarter and shared a pear and walnut mini tart (I think that was Friday night anyway).
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