From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


I've had this knitted toy (pumpkin?) since I was a small child. As with so many of my childhood relics, it has been appropriated by my children. "It used to be yours mummy, now it's changed into mine," as Little G patiently explains. By and large, I don't mind. I have learnt after all from repeat viewings of Toy Story 3 how important it is for toys to continue to be played with... But this?! This outrage?! I wasn't expecting this! Quite why I wasn't expecting it is beyond me, given my daughter's proven propensity for tearing pages out of books, but I really wasn't expecting to be confronted with such a sight. "Look mummy, Mr Pumpkin only has one leg now!" The horror!

It is a credit to the original creator (one of my aunts, I think - it is my shame that I don't know which one) that the break appears to be a clean one. No doubt I ought to be able to mend it quite easily...

In more positive news, I found out in the process of trying to take a photo of the damage that my phone camera has a variety of different - previously undiscovered - modes. This was taken on night mode, with no flash, and was by far the closest I got to the colours... Live and learn, eh?

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