From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


If you'd have told me 5 years ago that my idea of a fun evening would be an all-female book club in the village pub, I would have shrunk in horror. And yet here I am. And I love it! A friend from playgroup instigated the club back in May, and last night (19th) was our Christmas get together. There are about 12 of us who meet up more or less once a month, ostensibly to talk about the book, but also to drink a lot of wine and have a good natter. It's great! Although I'm not sure when I switched from being an avowed ale drinker to being happier with a glass of wine... I suspect it coincided roughly with the arrival of Little G. Motherhood changes more than I'd expected!

Anyway, this was perhaps not the most festive of reads, and it was one I really didn't want to open, given its premise, but it is a frankly quite amazing book. I read it straight through in one 4 hour sitting. I just couldn't bring myself to put it down before getting to the end.

Next on the list, The Time Traveller's Wife. One I'm looking forward to re-reading.

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