
As you'll have realised, I'm trying to cycle more, and I'd decided to ride to drumming practice this evening,  so we had an early tea but even so, I felt full and disinclined to do any exercise...so I went for a stroll round the garden with my camera to try to walk it off. The light was lovely - it's been a sunny day but with a rather chilly breeze. The leaves are just beginning to burst forth on the horse chestnut and sycamore trees.

I did cycle to Lincluden and of course I was glad that I had done, even though it meant coming home in the dark. We were practising for the Easter Egg Run on Saturday afternoon, when 100's of motorbikes roar into the town centre and Easter Eggs are collected for needy children. We set up our drums at the fountain and entertain the crowds with our samba beat :-)

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