The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Lion King Of Cramond

Dear O'H dear,

The Prince ran the Kilomathon today so Jenny and I went to Murrayfield to see him finish. He hadn’t been overly enthusiastic as his training ‘regime’ has reminded him just how much he dislikes running but he finished in a respectable time and wasn’t broken.

We left him to recover (watch sport) this afternoon and headed to Cramond. The Youngest Mini Princess and Jenny went for a run along the beach front while The Eldest Mini Princess, Murphy and I went for a walk by the river.

We were happily wandering until Murphy saw some swans, decided that he had superpowers and jumped over a 9 ft wall to get a closer look. The swans made it quite clear that being friends with Murphy wasn’t high on their agenda and then he realised that he was stuck. He gave us heart failure when he tried to jump up and fell back Mufassa style before finally managing to scramble up.

Swangate aside, it was a lovely walk. Jenny and YMP joined us after their run. Although it was windy, the sea was wild and beautiful. We had fish and chips and then snuggled up on the sofa and watched The Breaker Upperers in the evening which was much funnier than I expected it to be and helped take The Prince’s mind off his achy legs.


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