
By Yeda

Two Feet in the Air

Better than 40,000 feet up in the air. (On my flight to Florida, I was squeezed in next to a very obese woman with a flatulence issue).

I flew to Florida today to collect the kids from Bobcia and Grandpa, who have had incredible reserves of patience and humour to manage this long!

My little angels really gave them a frieght one night...

Bobcia tucked them into bed at 8pm and Grandpa told them two great stories before turning off the lights. The kids were very quiet the rest of the evening. Just before turning into bed herself, Bobcia had finished watching the evening news. She had just seen a very sad report of a little girl that was kidnapped from her bedroom. A bit un-nerved by this news, Bobcia woke up at 2 in the morning and decided to check on her grandchildren. When she went in they were not in bed. She couldn't find them anywhere! With her heart in her throat she ran to wake up Grandpa, who continued the search all through the house. They seemed to have disappeared. Until, finally, they discovered that both the four and six year old little devils were fast asleep on the floor in the bedroom closet!

Later at the breakfast table, when pressed for an explanation, the kids said they wanted to sleep in their 'fort' and surprise their grandparents.

Did they ever.

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