
By Yeda

The Difference Between Sixty and Six

Doing laundry today before packing up the kids to go home, I couldn't help but laugh at the amazing amount of growth my six year old would go through to eventually fit into underwear the size of Grandpa's.

Grandpa took them bicycling many times around their neighborhood. They had three different sized bikes for use by visiting grandchildren. But Grandpa's bike was the most interesting: a three-wheeled bike similar to that of a tricycle. Full sized, painted a jet blue metalic finish with wide handle bars and a big wire basket on the back, this bike was perfect for him since he's had balance issues due to an ear problem. But that's not what his four-year-old grand daughter thought. Apparently, she informed him that he wouldn't need a tricycle if he wasn't so fat. Ouch.

He laughed it off.

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