Angels With Bagpipes...

Christmas lunch... unfortunately someone chose wine that wasn't my cuppa so I had water with lunch. I'm glad of that now. I can type and speak and walk in a straight line and I managed not to turn the tone of the chat down for a change... go me!!

Although I do feel ancient with all the 'totes amaze"chat... that's totally amazing to the normal people who don't use text speak to communicate. I'm staying with the old school stuff... text speak is not for me when I'm typing, it will certainly never be for me in the spoken world.

Lunch was lovely... although I had four potatoes which were each the size of a dice. I've never really understood the whole nouvelle cuisine thing but then it's likely that I'm a bit of a philistine. I like lunch to be lunch. The trifle was delish though! I can't wait for Christmas dinner at my folks... they know how to make Christmas dinner!! Chipolatas are my favourite thing in the whole wide world.

So no drunk typing and better still, no hangover!

*looks all smug*

119 sleeps!

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