Caterpillar grows more

We had a slow start to the morning with the four kids all hanging out. I dropped my niece and nephew off to my parents around midday, only to find my Mum laid up in bed with a tummy bug. She was standing in the bank and came over all peculiar and had to run outside, managed to get to the kerb before hurling. Poor thing. My Dad was going to be in charge of the kids for the day.

My girls and I left and went to the Spinal Unit for the Christmas Lunch. The Administration team there had catered it themselves and it was AMAZING. A wonderful spread, and while eating we were in tables of teams and had a quiz to do.

After we left there, we went to the shoe shop to buy sandals for both girls. My wallet is rather a lot lighter now. The Eldest has annoyingly narrow feet which means that her footwear is consistently the most expensive in the shop. Can't compromise on growing feet though, huh?!

The afternoon has been warm and muggy, so we've had a cruisy one. I've finished my book, which I quite enjoyed. Going Out by Scarlet Thomas.

My caterpillar can't be far away from wandering off to hang...wonder if I will be able to find it for a blip then.

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