Annual Firemen Santa Lolly Run

I had two extras today who I picked up on my way to collect the girls from Grandma and Daddad's place. Unfortunately for Grandma and Daddad's plans for the day (which I'm not sure of) we ended up staying there til well after 2pm. The four kids had a fabulous time playing there. Only one incident of proper tears when Mr 5 caught his little toe underneath a swinging door. One, or maybe more, incidents of Drama from the Youngest, who seems to be upping the ante at the moment. I think that the end of the year, and a number of late nights is catching up on her.

After the extras were collected, my parents arrived along with my niece and nephew, in time for the beginning of the Annual Firemen's Santa Lolly Run. We always get first dibs, as you can see from where the four kids are sitting, that's the end of our driveway. They did very well, as they got a second round after tea, when the Firemen were passing again.

It is Miss P's (my niece) 10th birthday on Christmas eve, and she will be with her mother on that day, so our family had a wee celebration for her tonight. BBQ tea with ice cream cake, strawberries and marshmallows with chocolate fondue. Her and Mr A decided that they wouldn't return home with their parents, so are here for the night. Coming up with sleeping attire that wasn't girly was a bit of an issue, but I think we've got there. He put it on happily enough, and they're all in bed now. Note I don't say they are all asleep.

I'm loving how social everything is at the moment. Nice with the girls being a bit older that we can stretch the days longer without too many issues...yes I know...the Youngest and her penchant for drama...

Anyways, looking forward to tomorrow. No work, and have plans.

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