Colourful details

Today has been all about the prayer team. I did a devotional time this morning and then it was straight into a session on our community...beautiful to be able to pray for each household and be prayed for... 2 questions we'd been asked to think about, 1) what is the biggest lesson you've learned in community? And 2) what are your hopes and prayers for this community? Brilliant questions! 
Straight after lunch I went to meet the team for a juice & to talk through the history of our time here. After that we prayer walked...I loved this bit of graffiti...
The guys came back for dinner later, Asha loved having them here. A good but long 12 hour day! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The privilege of living life alongside these community guys.
2) Hearing other people's thoughts, observations and prayers as we wandered the streets this afternoon.
3) Fun over dinner playing the YouTube game (everyone gets to play a guilty pleasure song).

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