
A much better day than the day before, thanks for all your kind comments!
A morning in Nude working, and acting as tour guide for visitors...ha! Then after school Asha, Nate & I went to meet Susanna in Playa d'en Bossa. We spent a lovely but windy afternoon on the beach...I felt like I was on holiday. It took an hour to walk there...I think the distance made it feel like we were really away.
Then later in the evening Asha, Susanna and I went to meet Claire at a local gallery to see an experimental art and dance was a bit bonkers but thoroughly entertaining!
The curator of the gallery has asked if Nate & I can go in once a week to chat in English with her and help her keep up her language skills - what an honour!
Then an evening on the sofa with Danny and Susanna to round off the day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A relaxing afternoon.
2) Planning our summer UK trip a bit more.
3) Crazy amazing experimental art.q

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