River of Flowers

By doffy

Train from Townsville to Cairns, Queensland

Sadly said goodbye to Magnetic Island this morning, caught the ferry back to Townsville then a bus to the station to catch the Sunlander train which left at 12.15 - the journey to Cairns up north is about 400 km.

The train was very slow, max speed about 40 mph. Much of the journey through native bush land and sugar cane fields, often running alongside the narrow gauge sugar cane railway line. Very little signs of human habitation, no villages just the odd farm building in the middle of a large field of cane or arid grassland, it hasn't rained here for 8 months and the temperature is around 30 degrees most of the time.

The scenery changed after we had passed through Tully, much greener, great expanses of banana trees, some pineapple and the odd vineyard.

We arrived in Cairns just after 7pm and checked in to the YHA for one night before we travel further north tomorrow.

Long day, sweet dreams all, zzzzz! x

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