Who cares!

Yesterday Clyde Coastguard shut its doors for good! Now should you be stupid enough or unfortunate enough to capsize, sink, fall in, crash or whatever within the Clyde area and require the services of a local coast guard well ...tough! what you will get is the coastguard in either Belfast!!! or Stornoway! For God's sake what are our Scottish Gov doing to us? do they really care because if they did why arent they shouting from the rooftops to stop this travesty! 5 years ago today lives were lost in that exact area of the Clyde and it would have been worse had there not been the local knowledge of Clyde Coastguard boys! Now Im not knocking the guys who will be handling new calls in Belfast and Stornoway but come on politicians can you not see a disaster waiting to happen?
The nexct step will probably see coastguard services contracted out to Indian call centres!! I know silch about politics and who has come up with this latest hairbrained idea but if we are meant to have a local Scottish Gov why are they not demanding something be done to stop this or are they too seeing this as yet another way of saving money rather than lives?
Last night's works do was brilliant. Food was excellent, company was excellent and accommodation brilliant
Happy blipping all

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