Gitama's World

By Gitama

Ode to the Almighty Eggplant

A friend came over and plonked 3 massive eggplants on the kitchen counter.
They are beautiful...their skin is smooth and a very deep purple colour...not much fuss about the eggplant’s so shiny ......and I believe has a healthy confidence about itself.
I’m not a huge fan of eating leaves me with a funny tummy...but I cannot say no to a good babganouche.

I couldn’t go past taking a photo......and then a wee play. Still on my mono week (especially as I busted midway) I drained the colour and played with the tones...another I feel that looks better that way rather than sporting the colours.

Another weekend coming to a fast did that disappear ...I can hardly believe it.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
― Oscar Wilde

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