Dan on bass

Dan had a gig in Settle, this evening. He was a little vague about what it was for - "Some kind of fundraiser" - but I asked him if I could come along: "Sure, if you want!"

I dropped him off for a rehearsal in Burton, this afternoon, popped home and recorded the radio show, and then set off for Settle to get there in time to give Dan the trousers he'd forgotten.

The concert was being held at Settle Victoria Hall, which claims to be 'The Oldest Music Hall In The World!'. I was actually more surprised that it cost fifteen quid to get in. But it turned out that food was being provided and, anyway, it's for charity.

It got off to a good start with a friend of Dan's playing three piano pieces and then the choir came on, which included Dan. They'd arranged everything themselves for this evening but I think they were performing pieces that they do at school. It was very good, anyway.

The evening went slightly tilt at this point. A longish talk from a woman who lived in Settle who had volunteered abroad when she was a teen and then there was food. I wasn't that hungry, so I just read my book, which kept me going during the raffle, too.

Finally, there was some more music. Firstly, a friend of Dan's, James Brown, playing some songs he'd composed. They were written and played well, and there was one that I really enjoyed. Then James was joined by Dan and the drummer, Robert, and at this point I found myself very happy to have paid fifteen pounds and to have sat through the talk and the meal and the raffle: the band was great.

They played a few songs: some compositions by James, 'Valerie' by The Zutons, and, tongue in cheek but really well played and delivered, 'I Feel Good' (by the other James Brown). Here's a little clip of Dan playing bass.

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Reading: 'Refining Sound' by Brian K Shepard

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