Preston skyline

This evening I picked Dan up from his guitar lesson and then we headed down to Preston to meet the Minx and miniMinx and see 'Captain Marvel' at the Vue cinema. 

The satnav takes a slightly odd route from the M6 to to the retail park, which involves driving down a road that has some splendid looking houses on the left and this view on the right. I'm not a fan of the high-rise but I do like a skyline: go figure.

'Captain Marvel' was excellent by the way. As good as 'Black Panther'. I'm beginning to have some doubts about the Hollywood view that people don't go to see films with non-white or female heroes. I mean, they are the experts, I guess, but then again the audience figures go to show that's unadulterated bullshit.

-11.1 kgs
Reading: 'Refining Sound' by Brian K Shepard

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