A bit of colour

We headed over to R’s this afternoon for a lesson in gardening. How to plant up the raised bed!!!

I have always done the gardening, with some assistance from B. He follows instructions well, but don’t ask him what he is doing or why!!

R is not much more knowledgable, they have other interests, but is now responsible for the care of her own garden. I took the plants over about 10days ago and we wanted them in the soil before they came to harm.

Job done on a very cold windy day. The picture in extras is the view from the kitchen window, a big improvement!!!

Amber came with us and was very well behaved, I’m pleased to say. When we had finished we took her for a walk and a mad run about in a safe area.

I’ve got a problem......the new phone photo loaded the data on my blip on Friday, but no data yesterday or today!!! No idea why!!!!

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