Getting ready

...for Easter distribution, hence the bunnies

... for mother’s 99th birthday on Monday

... for a social BBQ event later in the summer.

After the wider family had visited and departed south I set to on the new BBQ I had bought this morning. My old BBQs had been consigned to the tip and I took advantage of a 20% discount at a local store to buy a new one.

The instructions on the whole were not bad. I laid out the parts and the screws and bolts came in a sealed pack, helpfully labelled on the back (see extras).

I am well used to assembling things ( IKEA holds no fear) but even so this took me some 4.5 hours, albeit with half an eye on first the Masters, then Line of Duty and then the news.

Main unit assembled but not connected or tested the gas. Will leave that for another day.. ,

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