Melverley Church

The joys of a day off.
Not having to rush out of bed but enjoying coffee and a book at a leisurely pace.
A nice long run, not having to worry about getting back in time for something.
A looooooong shower.
A walk and a beer.

People have worshipped in this church in Melverley for over 1,000 years and this present building has stood for around 500 years. These facts were confirmed by neighbour Andrew on popping round after the walk. I also got to raid Andrew’s bookshelves and stocked up on a few choice items including one which he wrote himself.

Back to work tomorrow but it’s been a delightful and indulgent break away from the office.

So sad to see Notre Dame on fire this evening. I feel fortunate to have seen it in all of its glory but sad that it will now never be the same again.

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