Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Braidburn Valley Park and Pentland Hills.

A very cold morning, but the bike needs to be rebuilt. The bottom bracket, crankset, cassette and chain are on in no time. The grocery delivery is dealt with, then it's time for coffee. After, I replace the cable for the rear derailleur, then check it all works correctly. the gears change swiftly.

After lunch, my partner and I visit a zero waste pop up shop. As we have just missed a bus, we walk down a few stops and I get my main blip photo. The only things that catch our eyes are the maps. Some are quite colourful my partner is eyeing up those for covering her handmade notebooks, me the one places I cycle. I find one on a favourite cycle route between Innerleithen and Middleton, the B709. The one I bought, see Extra, shows the Piper's Grave, and surprisingly, not one I've noticed, a Friar's Grave across the road. The contours are in 25feet intervals. There are some interesting things though, so worth another visit now and again. Afternoon coffee is on Leith Walk, after visiting a charity shop.

It is also record shop day, so on the way home, we visit a record shop to see if they have the new Elvis (not Presley) Costello E.P. They did have a copy, but it had been sold. Then to the bike shop to get a new pair of pedals for my commute bike.

Getting home, I fit the new pedals, then check the road bike for Sunday's bike ride.

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