
By sas05

sleep of the angels

christmas approachiths .. virus city is still playing with us ,, so far Shamara has managed a half day at school this week, sent home today ..spent best part of the day snuggled up with me on the sofa asleep.. Ali is the only one surviving unscathed. Thank gawd for that , christmas would have to be cancelled if she got taken ill.
So what lets you know that christmas is coming ??? apart from getting struck down with illness. the coke advert ,, the holidays are coming ?? how about those daft completely nonsensical perfume adverts me nuts they do...soon be over,, such hype and its over in a flash then we`ll be getting buried under easter and holiday adverts ,, and so the cycle of life carries on..
I wont be taking things for granted..we arrive at the end of this year in better shape than we started it.. looking at shamara here ,, a beautiful seven year old sleeping.. and thinking of the families in the states that have lost their children of the same age,, i couldnt and wouldnt want to imagine life without my girls. yes they drive me nuts,, their loud .never stop talking...for ones so young they occupy a huge space... so this wiill be one of those christmas`s that could be the last one which they believe... good ole santa..

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