autumn joy

By autumnjoy


a few highlights from the day:

my german teacher margit is out of town ski fahren. her replacement teacher is brilliant, in that she actually teaches. instead of getting mad at us for accidently saying something outside of our grammar capacity, she kindly tells us how to say what we were trying to say. LEARNING.

went to a used book store after class. had forgotten, and now remember, how much i love used book stores. its a haven in there. i could sit for hours browsing. its especially fun to go with someone else who doesnt mind lingering. i believe some of my favorite conversation tends to occur within used book stores. eg, the discussion of one's favorite books.

ate pizza and drank dr. pepper for lunch. such a delight. this episode from the day surprised me. mostly because i am slightly taken aback when others notice and appreciate the small things that bring me joy. isnt that all we ever want: to know and to be known?

a quiet afternoon in the flat reading bonhoeffer. i decided to read "the cost of discipleship" for several reasons. a) its there, b) ive been wanting to read it for a while, and c) bonhoeffer spent a lot of his time in berlin, and i live in berlin. turns out, its precisely what i need to be reading right now. it asks the question ive been asking myself over the past 4 months. what is grace and what do we do with it? im really enjoying his words.

studied german at strandbad mitte. we tried to be creative in speech, grammar, and vocab. im sure a german would have been appalled, but at least we're trying. we also had some serious conversation, which got me thinking a lot. i retreated inside of my own mind. i was more or less incapable of pulling myself out. but i did realise a fair few things.

we are all in need. even those who dont appear to be, are.

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