The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Moment Of Genius

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Youngest Mini Princess and I went for eye tests this morning. Due to my advancing years, I get the glaucoma test where they puff air into your eye which always makes me jump. Optician lady couldn’t get a proper reading and ended up doing it about 5 times. What did not help me remain composed was YMP, sitting behind optician lady, doing her impression of my reaction to the test by jerking her head like she was having a fit!

After both of us got a clean bill of health, we wandered to to Apple store to get the battery changed in YMP’s new (my old) phone. She was checking out the funky speakers and put her hand on one which then started BLARING out music. Poor YMP went very red as all the hip and trendy dudes in the Genius Bar looked over. I sympathetically cried with laughter!


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